Little Red Shed

Little Red Shed

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Old Main, Hamline University

In preparation for the big art crawl (LOLA) in August, I have been working on a lot of smaller pieces lately, in the 5"x7" range.  One such piece I like from this past weekend is Old Main, a building on the campus of Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota. 

Also done, an 11" x 10" small Dylan quote I like.

Friday, June 15, 2012

"Normal," "Eh," and Some Miscellaneous

To me a good quote has to say a lot in as few words as possible, and I think both of these do just that.  I could find no original author for either (I wish it were me), though musician, Emy Lou Harris, did once use the "normal" quote.  I will, however, now take credit for commemorating both in glass.  

Also posted today are a couple of flower related pieces created over the course of the last couple weeks