Little Red Shed

Little Red Shed

Sunday, February 12, 2012

First Avenue-Your Downtown Danceteria

I turned 21 in January of 1990, and at that time all that really mattered to me musically was Prince.  He of course is from Minneapolis, and in 1983 he filmed the movie Purple Rain at Minneapolis nightclub, First Avenue.  Prince would hang out at the club quite often during the 80's, regularly showing up to dance amongst the 1000+ people on Funk Night, which took place at First Avenue every Thursday back then.  Oh what I would have given to have been allowed into Funk Night at First Avenue.  But I was not yet 21 and First Avenue had the reputation as being very difficult to sneak into when under age.

It was not until April 5, 1989 that I first stepped through the big front doors of First Avenue, the band that night was Living Color, and it must have been some sort of an all ages deal because I would not yet have been 21.  Living Color was led by guitar god, Vernon Reid, and they were interesting at the time because they were an African American heavy metal band, something not really heard of before them.  I remember we had a spot stage left in the balcony, right across from the entrance to the men's bathroom.  These were the days before the club added the stairs that now lead from the dance floor to the balcony, this was a very good spot in which to see the show, and it was really fun to finally be there.  Though I don't get to First Ave. as often as I used to, I'm an old person now, I have had plenty of good times there and seen many a show, since 1989.

So I mention all of this because like any proud Minnesota music lover, I love First Avenue.  Finally complete is the largest piece I've ever made, it has been many weeks in the making, entailed many trips to the glass shop, and was interrupted by 3 weeks of travel in Israel, it is First Avenue-Your Downtown Danceteria, in glass.  The window used is one I found on Craigslist a few months ago, it was being thrown away and original to a house built in 1898, just a few blocks from where my parents live.  My mom and dad drove over to pick it up for me, which was no small feat since it is a whopping 42 x 48 inches, and now weighs a hefty 62 lbs.  I used to hang at First Avenue, now First Avenue hangs in my dining room.  Thanks for checking it out.